This is my wife Daphne and myself, Robert Beecham. We live in Cheltenham, England.
I was born in 1942 and soon after baptised (by force without my consent!) into the Church of England. I was educated at Winchester College where I specialised in Latin, Greek and Maths and then at Cambridge University where I read engineering. (Later I taught myself Hebrew.) I experienced a new birth when I was 18, and, a few years, later an infilling of the Holy Spirit. I have no official theological qualifications and for a long time have not belonged to any sect or denomination!
In 1968 I went to Nepal to serve the Lord and teach and share my faith. While there, I met and married Daphne and we returned to England with 2 children in 1973.
God then began to open the Scriptures to me in new ways sometimes directly and sometimes through other people. The 60 or so writings on my website are the result.
Nearly all of the writings contain new thoughts and some are controversial. If you belong to a denomination to which God has given a monopoly of the truth, or if you already know all you need about God, I suggest you click the small x at the top right of your screen. If you choose to read my articles, I recommend the advice of Paul: “Test all things. Hold on to what is good” (1 Thess 5:21). Test things by Scripture; test also by reason; and above all test by the witness of the Holy Spirit.
You can contact me at: robert*growthingod.org.uk (change * to @). Please let me know if you want to be on the mailing list for updates to this website, specifying which language.